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(c) A.A.Katz 1995 All Rights Reserved -------------------------------------------------------------------- Buffer.How 8-17-1995 Author: A.A.Katz The BeginAppend() Methods: ------------------------- HOW TO Buffer Tables in Visual dBASE ------------------------------------ to Validate Data Entered by Users --------------------------------- What Is Table Buffering? ----------------------- It has never been good form to let your users type directly into tables and hope for the best. If the record is abandoned or your validation fails, you're stuck with an empty record that you either have to recycle or remove with a PACK command. Instead, dBASE programmers often do their "gets" into variables, validate the input, and then decide whether to append a new record or discard changes. This strategy is called "record buffering". Why Not "GET" Into Variables? ---------------------------- For several reasons: 1. It takes a lot of code. You've got to initialize the variables, clear the variables, store field values to the variables (for edits). When the data is validated, you've got to issue APPE BLANK, do all your REPLACEs and display and clear the data onscreen. Even with the dBASE AUTOMEM commands, it's a lot of work. 2. It doesn't work well in object-oriented programming. There are all kinds of scoping problems since variables are scoped to procedures while controls are scoped to forms. 3. You lose the Visual dBASE productivity advantage of datalinking entryfields to table fields. Use The Native Visual dBASE Buffer --------------------------------- dBASE has always had built-in buffering. Data is edited in a "phantom record". not the actual table record. When you move the record pointer or close the table, the "phantom record" is written to the table. For the first time (as of Visual dBASE 5.5), dBASE gives you control of this internal record buffer. There are four new methods of the Form that let you create a record buffer and save or discard it at will. Form.BeginAppend() Creates a new "phantom record". Form.IsRecordChanged() Tests the "phantom record" against the version in the table record. Form.SaveRecord() Saves the "phantom record" to the table. Form.AbandonRecord() Wipes out the "phantom record", no write. Since your fields are datalinked, all screen handling (displaying, clearing, etc.) are handled automatically by Visual dBASE. Editing An Existing Record ------------------------- You will note that the above methods seem to apply only to new records. There is no explicit method for creating the "phantom record" for existing records. That's because you don't need a method to buffer existing records. As soon as you attempt to edit an existing record, Visual dBASE -automatically- buffers the record. No method call required. Scoping ------- The BeginAppend() methods are different from all other variables, properties and events. They are scoped three different ways simultaneously: 1. They are methods of the Form 2. They are scoped to a Work Area. You may have many BeginAppend()s in a form - one for each Work Area. 3. They are scoped to the Session. Each user or Session has its own copy of the "phantom records" used by BeginAppend(). How to Use the BeginAppend() Methods ------------------------------------ In order to get the productivity gains and protection offered by record buffering with BeginAppend(), you may have to change your form design strategy. --------Strategy A: Entryfields. 1. Use editing controls that are datalinked to the fields in your table. These include entryfields, comboboxes, listboxes, spinboxes, editors, browses. checkboxes, radiobuttons or your own custom controls. 2. Use an "ADD" or "NEW" button or other control to explicity issue BeginAppend(). 3. Use an "ABANDON" button or other control to discard changes. 4. Use a "SAVE" button or other control to save changes to the table. 5. If editing is allowed, you must have some method of selecting a record: SEEK, BROWSE or some type of navigation controls. Typical code would look something like this: PROCEDURE NEWBUTTON_OnClick Select Mytable Form.BeginAppend() PROCEDURE SAVEBUTTON_OnClick Select Mytable Form.SaveRecord() PROCEDURE ABANDONBUTTON_OnClick Select Mytable Form.AbandonRecord() --------Strategy B: Editing in a Browse An alternative to editing controls is to allow Append and Modify in a Browse. You may combine the browse with the pushbuttons in Strategy A, or control the process entirely within the Browse. 1. You can issue BeginAppend() programmatically, or allow your user to "arrow down", which produces a "phantom record" automatically. 2. Use the CanNavigate event to validate the data, SaveRecord() or AbandonRecord(). PROCEDURE BROWSE1_CanNavigate ******validate your data If lDataIsOk Form.SaveRecord() Endif Return lDataIsOk Networks and BeginAppend() -------------------------- BeginAppend() "phantom records" are not visible to any other user or session (nor do they update indexes) until you issue SaveRecord(), move the record pointer or close your table.. When using BeginAppend() and its associated methods in a networked environment, you must take into account: 1. That Recno() may not be valid. A record number is assigned upon BeginAppend(). However, if another user or session APPENDs BLANK, or issues SaveRecord() before you do, your record number will be invalid. Therefore, do not assign or reference RECNO() until you issue your own SaveRecord(). You may use BOOKMARK instead, if you need to reference the record before it's saved. 2. Testing for duplicate keys has to be done carefully. None of your data is visible to any other user or Session, nor does it appear in a table's indexes. As example, assume that you enter a ClientNo in a BeginAppend() "phantom record". Another user does the same, using the same ClientNo. The second user runs a KEYMATCH() to see if their ClientNo is a unique key. Because the other user cannot see your "phantom record", KEYMATCH() returns .f., telling the other user it's OK to use the ClientNo. This can result in duplicate keys. Your best solution: do not test for duplicate keys until you are about to issue the SaveRecord(). Do not test for duplicate keys in an entryfield Valid event. Test the key at your "Save" button. And, of course, you must make sure you do not move the record pointer when testing for duplicate keys or you will cause an automatic SaveRecord() BeginAppend() and The Browse ---------------------------- You must exercize extreme care when writing a BeginAppend() routine on a form that has a Browse object. Browse objects have a mind of their own. They are programmed to ensure that valid records are displayed and invalid records omitted. When your Browse object refreshes, the record pointer moves from the top record displayed to the bottom of the browse. If your Browse object refreshes and your record pointer moves, you will get an unwanted SaveRecord(), writing your "phantom record" to the table. To use BeginAppend() in conjunction with a Browse object, you must make sure that no operation on the form will result in an automatic or intentional refresh of the form. Such refreshes may be caused by: Pageno Property Changes Index Order Changes Browse Alias Changes Form.Refresh() among others. If your BeginAppend() writes to disk unexpectedly, check your form for events that might cause unintentional refreshes. Warnings: Handle With Care -------------------------- General Warnings: 1.The internal automatic buffering system is still active. When you move a record pointer or close a table, Visual dBASE will issue an automatic SaveRecord(). Avoid moving the record pointer unless you intend to save the "phantom record". For example, do not SEEK to validate a key field like "ClientNo". It will cause a SaveRecord() to be issued automatically. Use KEYMATCH() instead. It searches only on the index without moving the record pointer. 2. APPEND BLANK creates an actual record in the table, not a "phantom record". You cannot AbandonRecord() after APPEND BLANK. 3. If you have an ADD button, entryfields and a Browse on the same form, make sure to turn off the Append property of the Browse. The user might navigate the browse, once again inadverdently issuing a SaveRecord(). 4. If you do set the Append property to .f., Visual dBASE will automatically disable the Browse during a BeginAppend(). Remember to issue a command like Form.Browse1.Enabled = .t. in the SAVE and ABANDON button OnClick events, or the Browse will remain disabled. 5. Disable the ADD button after BeginAppend(). Prevent the user from issuing additional "phantom records". Only the last one can be abandoned or saved. Re-enable the ADD button at the end of your SAVE or ABANDON OnClick events. 6. Disable any navigation controls before issuing a BeginAppend(). Your user may inadverdently write the changes by moving the table's record pointer. Scoping Warnings: ---------------- 1. You cannot use datalinked fields to the same table in both a parent and child form. When you return to the parent form, you will find the changes have already been saved. You will no longer be able to AbandonRecord(). 2. You must be careful using Views. Views can close and reopen tables, again forcing a write to the table. 3. Be sure to select the appropriate Work Area before you issue any of the BeginAppend() methods. You may end up writing to the wrong table. Combobox DataSources -------------------- Be very careful about ComboBox datasources. If you change the datasource of a control that is datalinked to the BeginAppend() table, you may lose the "phantom record" entirely or find it written to disk. For example: DEFINE COMBOBOX COMBOBOX1 OF THIS; PROPERTY; DataSource "FIELD OTHERTABLE->OTHERFIELD",; DataLink "MYTABLE->MYFIELD" Assume that you 1. Issue a BeginAppend() on MYTABLE 2. Pop up a setup form to add one more option to OTHERTABLE. When you come back to the main form, the buffer will probably be lost. Work around: Use OTHERTABLE Again in the setup form to prevent moving the record pointer in OTHERTABLE. Changing OTHERTABLE should not effect the BeginAppend() on MYTABLE, but it sometimes does. Recommendation ------------------------- BeginAppend() and its associated methods are so powerful and have the potential to save you so much code and programming time that it makes sense to use them for all data entry. Just use them with care. Code -------- The following is a simple form that demonstrates many of the subtleties of the new buffering methods in Visual dBASE. Create table Clients.dbf ClientNo 10,C Name 30,C Address 30,C City 20,C State 2,C Then copy and paste the following code to BUFFDEMO.WFM Save it, and DO BUFFDEMO.WFM *-------------------------------BUFFDEMO.WFM--------------------------------- Use Clients In Select() Sele Clients ** END HEADER -- do not remove this line* * Generated on 08/10/95 * parameter bModal local f f = new BUFFDEMOFORM() if (bModal) f.mdi = .F. && ensure not MDI f.ReadModal() else f.Open() endif CLASS BUFFDEMOFORM OF FORM this.Text = "BeginAppend() Demo" this.Left = 11.833 this.Top = 0 this.Height = 17.4111 this.Width = 72.833 DEFINE BROWSE BROWSE1 OF THIS; PROPERTY; Append .F.,; Alias "CLIENTS",; Toggle .F.,; Left 3.5,; Top 0.7646,; ColorNormal "N/0xffff80",; Modify .F.,; ShowRecNo .F.,; Height 8,; CUATab .T.,; Width 49.666,; TabStop .F.,; FontBold .T. DEFINE PUSHBUTTON NEWBUTTON OF THIS; PROPERTY; Group .T.,; Text "&New",; Left 56.832,; Top 7.2344,; ColorNormal "R/W",; OnClick CLASS::NEWBUTTON_ONCLICK,; Height 1.5889,; Width 14.167 DEFINE ENTRYFIELD ENTRYFIELD1 OF THIS; PROPERTY; Left 14.665,; Top 10.1758,; DataLink "CLIENTS->CLIENTNO",; Height 1,; Width 15.667 DEFINE ENTRYFIELD ENTRYFIELD2 OF THIS; PROPERTY; Left 14.665,; Top 11.4688,; DataLink "CLIENTS->NAME",; Height 1,; Width 38.834 DEFINE ENTRYFIELD ENTRYFIELD3 OF THIS; PROPERTY; Left 14.665,; Top 12.8223,; DataLink "CLIENTS->ADDRESS",; Height 1,; Width 38.834 DEFINE ENTRYFIELD ENTRYFIELD4 OF THIS; PROPERTY; Left 14.665,; Top 14.1758,; DataLink "CLIENTS->CITY",; Height 1,; Width 11.667 DEFINE ENTRYFIELD ENTRYFIELD5 OF THIS; PROPERTY; Left 34.665,; Top 14.1758,; DataLink "CLIENTS->STATE",; Height 1,; Width 4 DEFINE PUSHBUTTON SAVEBUTTON OF THIS; PROPERTY; Group .T.,; Text "&Save",; Left 56.832,; Top 11.1172,; ColorNormal "B/W",; OnClick CLASS::SAVEBUTTON_ONCLICK,; Height 1.5879,; Width 14.167 DEFINE PUSHBUTTON ABANDONBUTTON OF THIS; PROPERTY; Group .T.,; Text "&Abandon",; Left 56.832,; Top 13.0586,; ColorNormal "B/W",; OnClick CLASS::ABANDONBUTTON_ONCLICK,; Height 1.5879,; Width 14.167 DEFINE PUSHBUTTON CLOSEBUTTON OF THIS; PROPERTY; Group .T.,; Text "&Close",; Left 56.832,; Top 15,; OnClick CLASS::CLOSEBUTTON_ONCLICK,; Height 1.5879,; Width 14.167 DEFINE TEXT TEXT1 OF THIS; PROPERTY; Text "Client No.",; Left 3.332,; Top 10.2344,; Height 0.7646,; Width 9.332 DEFINE TEXT TEXT2 OF THIS; PROPERTY; Text "Name",; Left 3.332,; Top 11.6465,; Height 0.7637,; Width 5.5 DEFINE TEXT TEXT3 OF THIS; PROPERTY; Text "Address",; Left 3.332,; Top 12.8809,; Height 0.7637,; Width 8 DEFINE TEXT TEXT4 OF THIS; PROPERTY; Text "City",; Left 3.332,; Top 14.293,; Height 0.7637,; Width 5.5 DEFINE TEXT TEXT5 OF THIS; PROPERTY; Text "State",; Left 27.665,; Top 14.3516,; Height 0.7637,; Width 5.5 Procedure CLOSEBUTTON_OnClick Select Clients Form.AbandonRecord() Form.Close() Procedure NEWBUTTON_OnClick This.Enabled = .f. Select Clients Form.BeginAppend() Procedure SAVEBUTTON_OnClick Select Clients Form.SaveRecord() Form.NewButton.Enabled = .t. Form.Browse1.Enabled = .t. Procedure ABANDONBUTTON_OnClick Select Clients Form.AbandonRecord() Form.NewButton.Enabled = .t. Form.Browse1.Enabled = .t. ENDCLASS **EOHT-------------AAK 8-12-1995