This menu selection opens the "Administration menu", which includes all global and security settings for dQuery/Web. Administration functions are available only to system administrators.

Add User

The Add User button opens the "Add User" page, which the administrator will use to add new users to the dQuery/Web security system. After filling in the fields, and assigning an Access Group, click the "Submit" button to save the new user.

Modify User

The Modify User button opens the "Modify User" page, which the administrator will use to edit users previously added to the dQuery/Web security system. After selecting an existing user from the listbox, click the "Submit" button to display the user's current information in editable fields. The user name cannot be changed. Click the "Submit" button to save the changes.

Delete User

The Delete User button opens the "Delete User", which displays a listbox of all users who have been added to the dQuery/Web security system. Select a user, and click the "Submit" button, to remove that user from the system. The administrator user account cannot be deleted.

Add Access Group

The Add Access Group button opens the "Add Access Group", which the administrator will use to create a new Access Group (each user is assigned to an Access Group). After naming the new Access Group, specifying the access rights of it’s users and which BDE aliases they will have access to, click the "Submit" button to save the new Access Group definition.

Modify Access Group

The Modify Access Group opens the "Modify Access Group", which the administrator will use to edit Access Groups previously added to the dQuery/Web security system. After selecting an existing Access Group from the listbox, click "Select Access Group" to display the Access Group's definition for editing. An Access Group name cannot be changed. When editing is complete, click the "Submit" button to save the changes.

Delete Access Group

The Delete Access Group button brings up the Delete Access Group page. This page displays a listbox of all defined Access Groups (except Administrators, which cannot be deleted). Select an Access Group, and click the Submit button to remove them from the system. Note: If a user belongs to an Access Group, that Group cannot be deleted.

Set Default Language

The Set Default Language button opens the "Set Default Language" page, which lists all available languages installed on the web server. Changing this setting will default all text in dQuery/Web to the selected language. A new language may be installed on the server by translating the "English.Sif" file, and copying it to a new file in the dQuery/Web folder with the appropriate name, such as "Deutsch.Sif" or "Francais.Sif".

User List

The User List button displays a list of all users added to the security system. Information displayed includes User Name, Password, Name, E-Mail and Access Level.

Log Report

The Log Report button displays a list of all local logins to dQuery/Web. The report includes User Name, Time (when they accessed dQuery/Web), Remote (IP) Address, and if they were authenticated