At the top of the object hierarchy is the Session object. Each session represents a separate user.

Each session contains one or more Database objects. A session always contains at least the default Database object, which supports direct access of dBASE and Paradox tables.

Session objects are important for dBASE and Paradox table security. Multiple users each have their own session, so that different users can be logged in with different levels of access, or they may share a single session, so that all users have the same level of access. For the Session object's security features to work, the session property of an active database object must be set to the session object.

A default Session object always exists whenever you run dBASE Plus (either the environment or an application, sometimes referred to as a dBASE Plus executable). In most cases, the default Session is all you need. There is usually no need to add a Session component to your forms or reports. dBASE Plus’ App object has a property that points to the default session object and the default database object. Thus, when you create a Query object, it is automatically assigned to both the default Session object and the default Database object.

The Session object has an event called onProgress that you can use to display progress information on database operations.