An associative array containing object references to currently defined Source Aliases

Property of

_app object


The sourceAliases property is a read-only associative array which contains object references to all source aliases defined in the PLUS.ini. To loop through the elements of the array, use the firstKey property:

aKey = _app.sourceAliases.firstKey // Get first key in the AssocArray

Once you have the key value for the first element, use the nextKey( ) method to get key values for the rest of the elements:

for nElements = 1 to _app.sourceAliases.count()

 aKey := _app.sourceAliases.nextKey( aKey ) // Get next key value

 ? aKey, _app.SourceAliases[ aKey ]     // display


Values in the sourceAliases array can also be accessed from the Source Aliases section of the Properties | Desktop Properties dialog.