Creates and names a customized color.


DEFINE COLOR <color name>
<red expN>, <green expN>, <blue expN>

<red expN>, <green expN>, <blue expN>

Specifies the proportions of red, green, and blue (RGB) that make up the defined color. Each number determines the intensity of the color it represents, and can range from 0 (least intensity) to 255 (greatest intensity).


Use DEFINE COLOR to create a custom color. Once you have defined <color name>, you can use it instead of one of the standard colors such as R, W, BG, silver, lemonchiffon, and so on.

The color you create with DEFINE COLOR is based on three numbers, <red expN>, <green expN>, and<blue expN>. Adjusting these numbers alters the color you create. For example, increasing or decreasing <green expN> increases or decreases the amount of green contained in the customized color.

Use the GETCOLOR( ) function to open a dialog box in which you create a custom color or choose from a palette of available colors. After exiting GETCOLOR( ), issue DEFINE COLOR with the values it returns to define the desired color.

You can't override any standard color definitions. For a full list of standard colors, see the colorNormal property.

Colors defined with DEFINE COLOR are active only during the current dBASE Plus session. If you restart dBASE Plus, you must redefine the colors. You may redefine a custom color as often as you wish. Changing the definition of a color does not automatically change the color of objects that have been set to that color; you must reassign the color.