Calls a dialog box in which you select a character font. Returns a string containing the font name, point size, font style (if you choose a style other than Regular), and family.


GETFONT([<title expC>
[, <fontstr expC>]])

<title expC>

A character string to appear as the title of the dialog box. Whenever the <fontstr expC> parameter is used, the <title expC> parameter must also be present, as a valid title string or a null string ( "" ), in order to specify the use of the default dialog title.

<fontstr expC>

A character string containing the default font settings to be used in the dialog box. This string has the same format as the results string returned by this dialog,

fontstr = “fontName, pointsize [, [B] [I] [U] [S] ] [,fontFamily]”

where the style options, B => Bold, I => Italic, U => Underline, and S => Strikeout, can appear in any order, and in either upper or lower case.

The following are valid examples of the GETFONT( ) syntax:


GETFONT("My Title")



GETFONT( ,"Arial,14,BU")

will result in an error dialog.


Use GETFONT( ) to place the values associated with a specified font into a character string. If you want to add a font to the [Fonts] section of PLUS.ini but don't know its exact name or family, use GETFONT( ). Then add the information GETFONT( ) returns into PLUS.ini.