Drill-down reports display summary information for a report at the beginning of the report. The details of the report appear toward the bottom. Hence the name drill-down—users can drill down from the summary at the top to the details at the bottom.

The Report wizard offers you the option to create a drill-down report. You can also create a drill-down report in the Report designer.

Controlling drill-down reports in the Report designer

In the Report designer (or if you print the report), the summary information of the report is in the headerBand and footerBand of the reportGroup class. The details of the report are in the detailBand.

In a non-drill-down report, the bands are rendered in this order (this example groups on STATE):

  1. headerBand for report's reportGroup

However, in the drill-down report, the bands are rendered in this order:

  1. headerBand for report's reportGroup

...and so on

The drillDown property

You can control the way the drill-down feature works by setting the drillDown property on the reportGroup class. This property is an enumerated type, with the following possible values:


What happens

0 None (not a drill-down report)



1 Drilldown (standard drill-down report)

All the headers and footers are rendered first, and then the details

2 Drilldown (repeat header)

The same as 1, but the headers are rendered again with the details

3 Drilldown (repeat footer)

The same as 1, but the footers are rendered again with the details

4 Drilldown (repeat header and footer)

The same as 1, but the footers and headers are rendered again with the details