When you use either designer, a number of shortcuts are available through the main dBASE Plus menu. These options are available by choosing Menu when either designer has focus.

You can use these shortcuts to insert an item before the current item (Insert Menu Item, Alt+MN or Ctrl+N), start a new submenu (Insert Menu, Alt+MM or Ctrl +M) or insert a separator (Alt+MT or Ctrl+T) before the current item in a pulldown or submenu. You can also delete the current item with Alt+MD or Ctrl+U.

If you’re designing a pulldown menu, two preset menus are available for insertion anywhere on your menu bar with the Insert "Edit" Menu (Alt+ME) and Insert "Window" Menu (Alt+MW) choices.

The last item on the Menu list—Toggle Type (Alt+MO)—is available for use on those occasions when you change your mind about the type of menu you want. It automatically switches the currently selected designer and converts its contents from pulldown style to popup style—or vice versa—any time.