Indexing and sorting are two approaches for establishing the order of data in a table. You use them to answer different needs in an application. In general, you index a table to establish a specific order of the rows, to help you locate and process information quickly. Indexing makes applications run more efficiently. Use sorting only when you want to create another table with a different natural order of rows.

Indexing orders rows in a specific sequence, usually in ascending or descending order on one field. Indexing creates a list of rows arranged in a logical order, such as by date or by name, and stores this list in a separate file called an index file. A dBASE index (.MDX) file can have up to 47 indexes, but only one controls the order of rows at any time. The index that is controlling the order is the current master index.


dBASE Plus stores indexes in multiple index (.MDX) files, and recognizes older .MDX files. You can design and maintain multiple indexes using the Manage Indexes dialog box.

Sorting creates an entirely separate copy of the current table with the rows in a different order. You’re likely to use sorting infrequently, only when you want to create a separate table with a different natural order.

Here is a summary of key differences between indexing and sorting:

Creating tables. Indexing creates an index file that consists of a list of rows in a logical row order, along with their corresponding physical position in the table. Sorting a table creates a separate table and fills it with data from the original table, in sorted order.

Arranging rows. Both indexing and sorting arrange rows in a specified order. However, indexing changes only the logical order and leaves the natural order intact, while sorting changes the natural order of the rows in the new table.

Processing operations. Certain operations are much faster using indexes, such as searching for data, running queries, and so on. Some operations, such as linking tables, require indexes.

Using functions. With indexes, you can order rows using fields and dBASE Plus methods. With sorting, you can use fields only, in ascending or descending order.

Adding rows. If you add rows to an indexed table, the index is updated automatically so that the rows appear in the correct order. If you add or change rows in an already-sorted table, you might need to sort it again.

Mixing field types. With indexing, you must convert field values to a common field type, for example, converting the sale date to a character type. With sorting, you can order rows on fields with different field types; for example, you can sort on customer number (a character field) and sale date (a date field), without converting them to a common field type.

Mixing order. With indexes, the entire index is either ascending or descending. With sorting, you can mix fields sorted in ascending and descending order.

In general, use indexing to make processing more efficient in data entry forms, queries, and reports. The only significant costs are that index files require extra disk space, and processing time is required for ongoing automatic maintenance.