Specifies whether the row cursor is at the end-of-set.

Property of



The row cursor is always positioned at either a valid row or the end-of-set. There are two end-of-set positions: one before the first row and one after the last row. endOfSet is true if the row cursor is positioned at either end-of-set position.

When you first make a query active successfully, endOfSet is true if there are no rows that match the specified criteria in the query’s SQL SELECT statement, or simply no rows in the tables selected.

When you apply a filter by calling applyFilter( ) or setting the filter property, endOfSet becomes true if there are no rows that match the filter criteria. Otherwise, the row cursor is positioned at the first matching row.

If you navigate backward before the first row in the set or after the last row in the set, this moves the row cursor to the end-of-set, so endOfSet becomes true. You can call the first( ) or last( ) methods to attempt to move the row cursor to the first or last row in the set. If after calling one of those methods, endOfSet is still true, then there are no visible rows in the current set.

Attempting to read a field value while at end-of-set returns a null value.

Attempting to change a field value while at end-of-set causes an error.