The value of a field in the row buffer.

Property of

Field (including DbfField, PdxField, SqlField)


All of the Field objects in the rowset’s fields array property have a value property, which reflects the value of the field in the row buffer, which in turn reflects the values of the fields in the current row.

You may attempt to change the value of a value property directly by assignment, in which case the attempt occurs immediately, or through a dataLinked control, in which case the attempt occurs when the control loses focus. In either case, the field’s canChange property fires to see whether the change is allowed. If canChange returns false, then the assignment doesn’t take; if the change was through a dataLinked control, the control still contains the proposed new value. If canChange returns true or there is no canChange event handler, the field’s value is changed and the onChange event fires.

When a field is changed, the rowset’s modified property is automatically set to true to indicate that the rowset has been changed.

By using a field’s beforeGetValue event, you can make the value property appear to be something else besides what is in the row buffer.