
 248 Access denied

 180 ALIAS already in use

 178 Alias not found

 251 Already in printjob

 288 An Editor or Viewer of a memo field is still open

 281 Attempt to access released object

 151 Attempt to free a bad memory block

 152 Attempt to load a bad icode block

 257 Attempting to call a method as a function

 255 AUTOEXTERN not supported for this database

 25 Bad field name

 26 Bad field type

 135 Bars already defined for popup.

 136 Bars must have a positive value.

 186 Beginning of table encountered

 310 BINARY field not allowed here

 249 Can only change draft mode on page boundaries

 272 Cannot activate object. OLE server is busy

 155 Cannot assign to reserved word NULL

 351 Cannot assign to reserved word THIS

 142 Cannot change property while form is open

 270 Cannot Copy selection

 319 Cannot create directory

 197 Cannot execute this command when DESIGN is off

 145 Cannot have more than one form object with the same name

 350 Cannot JOIN table with itself

 266 Cannot load print driver

 271 Cannot Package file

 267 Cannot paste more than one file

 269 Cannot Paste selection

 275 Cannot perform operation on static object

 268 Cannot recognize dropped file

 212 Cannot redefine active menu

 139 Cannot release active

 245 Cannot UPDATE a table with itself

 273 Cannot update linked object

 250 Can only change page orientation on page boundaries

 343 Class does not exist

 201 Command not functional in dBASE Plus

 198 Command not functional in this release of dBASE Plus

 110 Command requires exclusive use of table

 55 Command too large

 200 Command will never be reached

 298 Constant is already #defined

 191 CONTINUE without previous LOCATE

 41 Cyclic RELATION not allowed

 163 Data type mismatch. Expecting

 232 Database already open

 241 Database not opened

 140 Datasource/Prompt cannot be MEMO/OLE/BINARY

 15 dBASE IV binary label file not supported - use component builder to convert it

 13 dBASE IV binary report file not supported - use component builder to convert it

 304 DLL does not support Multiple Instances

 322 DLL not Loaded

 206 Drive not ready

 28 Duplicate field name

 4 End of table encountered

 84 ENDCASE encountered without preceding CASE

 88 ENDCLASS/PROTECT command encountered without previous CLASS command

 76 ENDDO encountered without preceding WHILE

 74 ENDIF encountered without preceding IF

 86 ENDPRINTJOB command encountered without previous PRINTJOB command

 80 ENDSCAN encountered without preceding SCAN

 90 ENDTEXT command encountered without previous TEXT command

 3 Error closing file

 276 Error connecting to OLE server. May be bad object path if a link.

 1 Error creating file

 313 Error creating palette

 305 Error loading DLL

 2 Error opening file

 6 Error positioning in file

 187 Error reading file

 341 Error reading from binary field

 309 Error Saving VBX

 224 Error unlocking file

 29 Error writing file

 154 Expanded macro variable does not return a valid identifier

 228 Expecting #endif

 143 Expecting reference to MENU object

 56 Expression expected

 57 Expression too large

 306 Extern

 202 Extra characters ignored at end of command

 51 Field must be a binary field

 50 Field must be a memo field

 299 Field must be an OLE field

 40 Field not found

 346 Fields must be in consecutive order

 8 File already exists

 9 File already open

 7 File does not exist

 114 Filename space exhausted

 335 First class in .WFM file is not derived from FORM

 144 First class in menu file is not derived from MENU

 344 Fix or remove errors before running query

 340 Form already open

 262 Form cannot be MDI

 239 IDAPI Error

 244 IDAPI Not Initialized

 185 Illegal file name

 32 Illegal key

 169 Illegal Opcode

 158 Illegal value

 157 Illegal work area number or alias

 108 In use by another

 372 In use by another

 230 Include file not found

 316 Incomplete link specification

 328 Index expressions not allowed for INTEGRITY rules

 237 Index is not open

 260 Internal Exception Error

 146 Internal stack overflow

 147 Internal stack underflow

 246 Invalid Catalog

 104 Invalid CLASS name

 302 Invalid Color

 277 Invalid command verb for OLE object

 12 Invalid COV file

 210 Invalid directory

 211 Invalid disk drive

 20 Invalid driver name or insufficient system resources

 243 Invalid file Handle

 339 Invalid file privileges

 103 Invalid FUNCTION or PROCEDURE name

 323 Invalid key label

 14 Invalid label file

 105 Invalid MEMBER name

 16 Invalid memory variable file

 71 Invalid name character

 48 Invalid order number

 247 Invalid password

 321 Invalid preprocessor identifier

 196 Invalid printer redirection

 17 Invalid PRO / FMO file

 18 Invalid query file

 19 Invalid report file

 193 Invalid subscript reference

 320 Invalid table name

 242 Invalid value for convert size (8-24)

 21 Invalid view file

 22 Invalid window file

 334 Key already exists in parent

 98 Keyword Repeated

 94 Loop stack overflow.

 153 Macros cannot expand flow of control commands

 227 Maximum #ifdef nesting exceeded

 175 Maximum number of DO or UDF parameters exceeded

 36 Maximum number of fields reached

 222 Maximum number of locked records exceeded

 172 Maximum number of nested FOR NEXT loops exceeded

 179 MEMO field not allowed here

 337 Memo file does not exist

 190 Memory variable already defined - cannot make PUBLIC

 111 Memory variable space exhausted

 127 Menu already active

 258 Method is not available on object

 85 Missing ENDCASE

 89 Missing ENDCLASS

 77 Missing ENDDO

 75 Missing ENDIF


 81 Missing ENDSCAN

 91 Missing ENDTEXT

 79 Missing NEXT

 83 Missing UNTIL

 342 Must convert report before modifying

 162 Nested views not allowed

 78 NEXT encountered without preceding FOR

 134 No bars defined for popup/pulldown

 49 No fields were found to process

 332 No matching parent record

 254 No pads defined for

 116 No PARAMETERS statement found

 219 No previous DO WHILE/SCAN/PRINTJOB/FOR to match this command

 253 No print driver selected

 259 No Records Selected

 119 No such bar

 293 No such form

 126 No such form object

 214 No such listbox

 120 No such menu

 121 No such pad

 122 No such popup

 31 No such record in index

 124 No such window

 125 No such window

 34 No table in use in area

 30 Not a valid dBASE table

 325 Not a valid table

 168 Not an array

 112 Not enough memory for DOS

 107 Not enough memory for this operation

 289 Not member of Class or Base class

 156 Numbers are not allowed in the CURRENCY symbol

 363 OLE Array is locked

 366 OLE Bad call

 364 OLE Bad parameter count

 358 OLE Bad Variable Type

 280 OLE BLOB field data is from an incompatible version

 279 OLE BLOB field is corrupted

 371 OLE Class name not in registry

 355 OLE Data Type Mismatch

 359 OLE Dispatch Exception

 314 OLE Error

 311 OLE field not allowed here

 361 OLE Invalid Subscript

 353 OLE Member Not found

 357 OLE No Named arguments

 367 OLE Not a collection

 369 OLE Object does not support automation

 278 OLE object error

 360 OLE Overflow

 354 OLE Parameter Not found

 365 OLE Parameter not optional

 370 OLE Unable to create object

 362 OLE Unknown Class

 368 OLE Unknown error

 352 OLE Unknown interface

 356 OLE Unknown name

 295 OLE: cannot create link

 315 only 1 dimensional array is allowed in this operation

 283 only 1 or 2 dimensional array is allowed in this operation

 324 Only allowed in function or procedure scope

 115 Only valid in program files

 286 Operation not allowed on read-only fields

 333 Operation not allowed across different databases or table types

 23 Operation not allowed for calculated fields

 234 Operation not allowed in transaction

 24 Operation not allowed on read-only files

 287 Operation not allowed on read-only tables

 236 Operation not allowed on this table

 164 Out of range

 256 Output parameter required

 303 Parameter type '...' can only be used with CDECL calling convention

 70 PARAMETERS command must be at top of function or procedure

 308 Parent is not a PAGETEMPLATE or BANDBODY

 307 Parent is not a REPORT

 138 Path not found

 128 Popup already active

 312 Popup too small

 326 Port not configured for a printer

 301 Position not in window

 229 Preprocessor expansion too large

 345 PRIMARY must start with first field

 189 Printer error

 131 Printer is either not connected or turned off

 182 Procedure not found

 181 Processing would exceed maximum allowed string length

 338 Production index file does not exist

 118 Program not SUSPENDed

 106 Program too big to compile

 203 Program was previously compiled with SET COVERAGE OFF

 374 Property is not accessible

 282 Property is read only

 285 Property not found

 109 Record is in use by another

 373 Record is in use by another

 5 Record out of range

 329 Related records still exist in alias

 336 Relation expression and active index expression must be the same

 331 Relation using CONSTRAIN

 284 Report Engine Error

 347 Report writer has not been installed

 199 Restricted command: not allowed in this context

 204 Restricted Variable: not allowed

 265 Resource not found

 375 Return expression not allowed

 149 Runtime buffer overflow

 317 Selected tables cannot be related

 240 Server Error

 218 SET FIELDS space exhausted

 330 SET KEY active in alias

 223 Sharing buffers are full

 67 Something is missing. Expecting

 148 Stack overflow

 261 Stored procedures not supported

 150 String buffer overflow

 11 Structure invalid

 290 SUPER not allowed when THIS is undefined

 217 Symbol table space exhausted. Increase to

 63 Syntax error

 231 Table already open

 141 Table is encrypted

 165 Table is encrypted

 35 Table is not indexed

 137 Table name longer than 127 characters

 53 Tag not found

 294 The system registry does not contain an OLE server for a file with extension

 58 Too few arguments. Expecting at least

 59 Too many arguments. Expecting at most

 101 Too many dimensions

 209 Too many files open

 47 Too many index files

 221 Too many nested DO/UDF

 161 Too many nested expressions

 95 Too many nested FOR loops.

 96 Too many nested SCAN loops.

 44 Too many RELATIONs in this chain

 318 Too many symbols in this module

 102 Too many UDF/PROCEDUREs defined in program

 100 UDF must return a value

 159 UDF or procedure already exists

 207 UDF or PROCEDURE not found

 129 Unable to add data while constraints active

 292 Unable to create control

 160 Unable to execute DOS

 291 Unable to open form

 10 Unable to rename file

 97 Unallowed phrase/keyword in command

 133 Unauthorized access level

 62 Unbalanced parentheses

 188 Unexpected type

 274 Unknown error saving window contents

 68 Unknown keyword

 225 Unmatched #else

 226 Unmatched #endif

 117 Unmatched parameters

 54 Unrecognized command verb

 61 Unterminated string

 82 UNTIL encountered without preceding DO

 192 Value out of range

 167 Variable undefined

 349 VBStream file Missing or Corrupt

 348 VBX dlls cannot be RELEASED

 215 Window not active

 132 Window out of range

 33 WindowMenu must be on child of MenuBar

 130 Windows print file name longer than 31 characters

 42 Work area already used in relation

 252 Wrong version of IDAPI01.DLL
