Creates a DDE hot link to enable the passing of notification messages whenever a specified topic item changes in the server application.


<oRef>.advise(<item expC>)


A reference to the DDELink object that wants to get notified.

<item expC>

The name of the topic item you want to monitor.

Property of



Use the advise( ) method to create a hot link to an item in a server topic. A hot link requires the server application to notify dBASE Plus when the value of a specified item changes.

A server topic can be anything that the server application understands, but it is most often a document, spreadsheet, or database that you specified when you called the initiate( ) method to create the DDE link with the external application. If, for example, you use initiate( ) to open a spreadsheet application as the server application and a worksheet as a topic, you could specify any item or range in the worksheet as the topic item you want monitored for changes.

The DDELink object’s onNewValue event will fire with the item name and new value as parameters whenever the named item changes.