The height of an object. For Form and SubForm objects, the height of their client areas.

Property of

Form, SubForm, Form objects and Report objects: Band, PageTemplate, StreamFrame.


Form objects: The value of the height property includes any border, bevel or shadow effect assigned to the object.

Forms and SubForms: The value of the height property includes only the client area. It does not include the window border or titlebar.

When a Form or SubForm is opened, and has a horizontal scrollbar (see the scrollbar property), the Form or SubForms' width is automatically reduced by the width of the horizontal scroll bar (16 pixels).

The minimum height of a Form or SubForm is zero.

The height property is numeric and expressed in the current metric unit of the Form or Subform that contains the object.

The unit of measurement in a form or report is controlled by its metric property. The default metric for forms is "characters", and for reports it’s "twips".