For Drag&Drop operations; event fired while the mouse drags an object over an active Drop Target object’s display area.


<nLeft expN>

The position of the mouse relative to the left edge of the Drop Target object.

<nTop expN>

The position of the mouse relative to the top edge of the Drop Target object.

<cType expC>

A character or string, typically identifying the dragged object’s type.

<cName expC>

A string, typically containing the name of an object or a file.

Property of

Browse, Container, Form, Grid, Image, ListBox, NoteBook, PaintBox, ReportViewer, SubForm, TreeView


Use onDragOver to perform actions while an object is being dragged over the display area of an active Drop Target object. This allows you to control whether or not the dragged object may be dropped at specific mouse cursor locations.

A numeric value returned by the onDragOver event handler determines whether a drop is allowed, or may change the type of drop operation allowed at the specified cursor position. The permitted return values are:


Drop Effect


No drop permitted

1 (default)

Drop permitted: Copy


Drop permitted: Move


onDragOver will not be fired if the Drop Target’s onDragEnter event handler was invoked and returned zero (no drop permitted).

If an onDragOver event handler is not defined for a Drop Target object or no value is returned, a default value of 1 is assumed.


onDragOver is not invoked for files dragged from the dBASE Plus Navigator window.