For Drag&Drop operations; when the mouse button is released over an active Drop Target object during a Drag&Drop Copy operation.


<nLeft expN>

The position of the dropped object relative to the left edge of the Drop Target object.

The editor's current columNo character position.

<nTop expN>

The position of the dropped object relative to the top edge of the Drop Target object.

The editor's current lineNo position.

<cType expC>

A character or string, typically identifying the dropped object’s type.

If a file is being dropped onto the editor, this parameter will contain an "F".

If text is being dropped onto the editor, this parameter will contain a "T".

<cName expC>

A string, typically containing the name of an object or a file.

The filename or text being dropped onto the editor.

Property of

Browse, Container, Editor, Form, Grid, Image, ListBox, NoteBook, PaintBox, ReportViewer, SubForm, TreeView


Use onDrop to perform actions when the mouse button is released over an active Drop Target object during a Drag&Drop Copy operation. The onDrop event does not fire for a Move operation.

When a Copy operation is initiated from a Drop Source object’s drag( ) method, <cType expC> and <cName expC> will contain the parameter strings passed by the method.

Files may be dragged from the dBASE Plus Navigator, or from any Windows® OLE Drag and Drop compliant application. What is received in <cType expC> depends on which drag-initiating application is used (i.e. Explorer, WinZIP, etc), but will usually be "F" for a file. <cName expC> will usually contain the filename.

When multiple files are selected and dragged, onDrop will fire multiple times in succession, once for each file in the selected block.


When files are dragged from the dBASE Plus Navigator window, the onDragEnter, onDragOver, and onDragLeave events will not fire. However, these events will fire when files are dragged from OLE Windows applications.


Mouse button “Up” events are “consumed” by onDrop events. This prevents, for example, the firing of a Drop Target object’s onLeftMouseUp event when the left mouse button is used for a Drag&Drop Copy operation. If the drop fails, the onDrop must explicitly call the mouse button Up handler function.

The Editor class and onDrop

When FALSE is returned by onDrop, the drop will not occur.

When TRUE is returned by onDrop, and a file is being dropped, the file's contents will be inserted into the editor starting at:

lineNo = nTop+1, columnNo = 1

When TRUE is returned by onDrop, and text is being dropped, the text will be inserted into the editor starting at:

lineNo = nTop, columnNo = nLeft