Event fired when a component gains focus.



Property of

Form and all form components that get focus


onGotFocus fires whenever the form or component gains focus.

The firing order for Events when opening a form:

  1. The form's open( ) method is called

The firing order for Form object Events:

Clicking on a form object will result in the following events firing in this order;

  1. The when event

Navigating to a form object by using the Tab key will result in the following events firing in this order;

  1. The when event

Tip: ON KEY LABEL TAB <command> will perform an action (<command>) when the user presses the TAB key (See ON KEY). However, even though ON KEY LABEL TAB is set to perform <command>, pressing Shift-Tab will still move to another form object (the preceding one in the z-order) and fire it's events in the above order.