The following onMouseMove event handler makes a button harder to click.

function PUSHBUTTON1_onMouseMove(flags, col, row)

   static jump = {|| 2 + rand( ) * 2} 

   local nLeft, nTop 

   // Calculate horizontal movement 

   nLeft = this.left + jump( ) * sign( rand( ) - 0.5 ) 

   if nLeft < 0 

      nLeft = form.width - this.width - jump( ) 

   elseif nLeft > form.width - this.width 

      nLeft = jump( ) 


   // Calculate vertical movement 

   if row < this.height / 2 

      nTop = + jump( ) * row 


      nTop = - jump( ) * ( this.height - row ) 


   if nTop < 0 

      nTop = form.height - this.height - jump( ) 

   elseif nTop > form.height - this.height 

      nTop = jump( ) 


   this.move( nLeft, nTop )