The standard bootstrap code generated for a .WFM form file contains code to open the form with readModal( ) if the DO the .WFM with the parameter true, for example:

do ABOUT.WFM with true

By adding a couple of lines in the Header of the .WFM, you can make the form open modally by default. For example:

openForm( true ) // Call bootstrap with true

function openForm( ) // Convert bootstrap into its own function

// Everything below is geneated code

** END HEADER -- do not remove this line


// Generated on 09/28/97


parameter bModal

local f

f = new AboutForm( )

if (bModal)

   f.mdi = false // ensure not MDI 

   f.readModal( ) 

else ) 


This is appropriate for forms that are always modal and do not have a return value, like About and Print dialogs.