Opens the Popup Menu designer to create or modify a popup menu file.


CREATE POPUP [<filename> | ? | <filename skeleton>]

<filename> | ? | <filename skeleton>

The popup menu file to create or modify. The default extension is .POP. The ? and <filename skeleton> options display a dialog box from which you can select a file. If you specify a file without including its path, dBASE Plus looks for the file in the current directory. If you issue CREATE POPUP without an option, dBASE Plus creates an untitled popup menu file.


Use CREATE POPUP to open the Popup Menu designer and create new or edit existing popup menus. The Popup Menu designer automatically generates dBL program code that defines the contents of a popup menu, and stores this code in an editable source code file with a .POP extension. To assign the popup menu to a form, create the popup as a property of the form with:

DO <.POP file> WITH <form reference>, <property name>

then assign the popup object to the form’s popupMenu property.

If you're creating a new popup menu file, CREATE POPUP displays an empty design surface. If you specify an existing file, dBASE Plus asks whether you want to modify it. If you reply no, nothing further happens. Use the MODIFY POPUP command to edit an existing file without being asked whether you want to modify it.