Specifies the text editor to use when creating and editing programs and text files.




The expression you would enter at the DOS prompt or as the Windows command line to start the editor, usually the name of the editor's executable file (.EXE) or a Windows .PIF file. If <expC> doesn't include the file's full path name, dBASE Plus looks for the file in the current directory, then in the DOS path.


The default for SET EDITOR is the dBASE Plus internal Source editor. To specify a different default editor, set the EDITOR parameter in PLUS.ini. To do so, either use the SET command to specify the setting interactively, or enter the EDITOR parameter directly in PLUS.ini.


Use SET EDITOR to specify an editor other than the default dBASE Plus Source editor to use when creating or editing text files. The file name you specify can be any text editor that produces standard ASCII text files. The specified editor opens when you issue CREATE/MODIFY FILE or CREATE/MODIFY COMMAND. If you issue SET EDITOR TO without a file name for <expC>, dBASE Plus returns to the default editor.

You can use SET EDITOR to specify a .PIF file, which is a Windows file that controls the Windows environment for a DOS application, or a Windows .EXE file. Start the DOS editor by running the .PIF file rather than the .EXE. For more information about .PIF files, see your Windows documentation. If there is not enough memory available to access an external editor, dBASE Plus returns an "Unable to execute DOS" error message.

If the text editor you specify is already in use when you open a memo or file for editing, a second instance of the editor starts.