Determines whether dBASE Plus displays messages in the status bar, or displays memory variable assignments in the results pane of the Command window.




The default for SET TALK is ON. To change the default, set the TALK parameter in PLUS.ini. To do so, either use the SET command to specify the setting interactively, or enter the TALK parameter directly in PLUS.ini.


When SET TALK is ON, dBASE Plus uses the current SET ODOMETER setting to indicate when operations such as COUNT and SORT are in progress in the status bar. It also displays the results of memory variable assignments (using STORE or =) in the results pane of the Command window.

Depending on the amount of memory your system has and the amount of memory particular operations require, issuing SET TALK OFF might improve the performance of some operations.

Use SET TALK with SET ALTERNATE to send SET TALK output to a file or printer rather than to the results pane of the Command window.

When SET TALK is ON, dBASE Plus reports the results of the BUILD command in a dialog box. If SET TALK is OFF, nothing happens when BUILD is successful.