When a variable is not the target (on the left side) of an assignment operator, its value is retrieved. For example, type the following lines in the Command window, without the comments:

alpha = 6 // Assigns 6 to alpha

beta = alpha * 4 // Assigns values of alpha (6) times 4 to beta

? beta // Displays 24

In the same way, when the name of a field in a work area is used in an expression, its value for the current record is retrieved. (Note that assignment operators do not work on fields in work areas; you must use the REPLACE command.) Continuing the previous example:

use FISH // Open Fish table in current work area

? Name // Display value of Name field in first record

? :Length CM: // Display value of Length CM field in first record

// Colons required around field name because it contains spaces 

? :Length CM: * beta // Display value of field multiplied by variable

For information on referencing fields in different work areas and resolving name conflicts between variables and field names, see Alias operator.