SET CURRENCY determines the character(s) used as the currency symbol, and the position of that symbol when displaying monetary values


SET CURRENCY left | right



Places currency symbol(s) to the left of currency numbers.


Places currency symbol(s) to the right of currency numbers.


The characters that appear as a currency symbol. Although dBL imposes no limit to the length of <expC>, it recognizes only the first nine characters. You can't include numbers in <expC>.


Currency symbols are displayed for numbers when you use the "$" template symbol in a formatting template or the TRANSFORM( ) function. The defaults for SET CURRENCY are set by the Regional settings of the Windows Control Panel.

Use SET CURRENCY left | right to specify the position of currency symbol(s) in monetary numeric values. Use SET CURRENCY TO to establish a currency symbol other than the default.

When SET CURRENCY is LEFT, dBASE Plus displays only as many currency symbols as fit, together with the digits to the left of any decimal point, within ten character spaces.

SET CURRENCY TO without the <expC> option resets the currency symbol to the default set with the Regional settings of the Windows Control Panel.