Determines whether dBASE Plus ejects a sheet of paper before and after a PRINTJOB.


_peject = <expC>


The character expression "before", "after", "both", or "none".


The default for _peject is "before", which tells the printer to eject a sheet of paper before starting the print job.


Use _peject to specify if and when the printer should eject a sheet of paper. Assign a new value to _peject (and to any other system memory variable) before issuing PRINTJOB in a program to make the new value affect the print job.

The following table describes _peject options.




Eject sheet before printing the first page 


Eject sheet after printing the last page 


Eject sheet before and after the print job 


Don't eject sheet before or after the print job 


The _peject system memory variable is distinct from the EJECT command, which tells the printer to advance the paper to the top of the next page.