Displays or sets the width of the left border of a printed page.


_ploffset = <expN>


The column number at which to set the left margin. The valid range is 0 to 254, inclusive. You can specify a fractional number for <expN> to position output accurately with a proportional font.


The default for _ploffset is 0. To change the default, set the MARGIN parameter in Plus.ini.


Use _ploffset (page left offset) to specify the distance from the left edge of the paper to the left margin of the print area. Use _lmargin to set the left margin from the _ploffset column. For example, if _ploffset is 10 and _lmargin is 5, output prints from the 15th column.

The _ploffset system memory variable is equivalent to the SET MARGIN value. Changing the value of one changes the other. For more information, see SET MARGIN.