Determines whether the printer prints in portrait or landscape mode.


_porientation = <expC>


The character expression "PORTRAIT" or "LANDSCAPE".


The default for _porientation is the orientation you specify with the Printers program of the Windows Control Panel or, in dBASE Plus, with the CHOOSEPRINTER( ) function. By default, this orientation is portrait.


Use _porientation to specify whether you want to print in portrait or landscape mode. When you print in portrait mode, each page is read vertically; a standard American letter-size piece of paper is 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches long. When you print in landscape mode, each page is read horizontally; a standard American letter-size piece of paper is 11 inches wide by 8.5 inches long.

Most printer drivers support landscape printing; however, if you specify landscape while using a printer driver that doesn't support it, the printer continues to print in portrait mode, possibly truncating text.

Changing page orientation automatically resets _plength.

If _porientation is changed during printing, it will only take effect when _plineno = 0 or after a page eject occurs. Since _plineno may be greater than 0 when a print routine begins, you should set _plineno = 0 before attempting to change the orientation of a page.