You can set your preferences for the dBASE Plus working environment in most areas of the product. Dialog boxes in which you can change preferences, or properties, are generally available from the Properties menu, and many are available from the right-click menu. Many of the options you’ll want to look at first are in the Desktop Properties dialog box (Properties|Desktop Properties).

In addition, you can set preferences for

The built-in Source editor

The Project Explorer

The designer windows

The Command window

The Navigator

The SQL designer

ActiveX components

Table windows

Customizing tool windows

To customize tool windows, palettes, and the Inspector, use the Customize Tools dialog box available from the View|Tool Windows|Customize Tools menu

Using menu toggle commands

In addition to setting your preferences in dialog boxes, the View menu and several context (right-click) menus have toggle commands for showing and hiding various tools.

The Inspector’s right-click menu lets you categorize or alphabetize properties. If you have properties categorized, you can expand and collapse all categories at once using this menu.