1. Open the form in the form designer.

  2. Drag the dataModule to the form design surface.

  3. In the Inspector, make sure the form is selected.

  4. Find the view property.

  5. Delete what is there.

  6. Click on the Command Window.


  8. Select the "Window" menu, and then the name of your form.

All the datalinked controls will be blank.

For each control that was datalinked to a field:

  1. Click the control

  2. Click the dataLink property in the Inspector,

  3. Click on the Tool (Wrench) button in the Inspector

  4. Select the field from the dataModule in the dialog that appears,

For Images, use the dataSource property instead of dataLink.

This may take some time if your form is complex. If you have multiple tables, be careful to get the correct field from the correct table. When using multiple tables, consider opening the form in the designer and, before performing any other steps:

  1. Click on a control that is datalinked

  2. Select the Inspector

  3. Click on the dataLink property

  4. Write down the datalink for that control. Repeat these steps for all datalinked controls.

You can refer to your list when reassigning datalinks.