Can be used to prevent a grid's vertical scrollbar from being used to jump to the bottom of a rowset (via rowset.last()) due to dragging the scrollbar's thumb to the bottom of its range or when clicking the scrollbar near the bottom of its range.  Instead, the grid will perform a Page Down and position the scrollbar thumb near the middle of its range.

Property of



When set to True, the default, allowFullScrollRange allows the grid to scroll to the last row of a table when the scrollbar is dragged to the bottom of its range.

When set to False, allowFullScrollRange limits the grid to navigating forward one page full of rows when the scrollbar is dragged to the bottom of its range.  When released the scrollbar thumb *bounces* back to the middle position of the scroll range.

Set allowFullScrollRange to False if you are datalinking a grid to a very large database table from a DBMS server containing millions or rows or more.

This will prevent inadvertently triggering a call to rowset.last() which can result in a long delay and or cause dBASE to become unresponsive while the server attempts to send millions of rows to the workstation.