When running dBASE Plus.exe, Plusrun.exe or an Application .exe built by dBASE, there are several Command Line Switches which can be used to override certain defaults.



The command line switch, -c<.ini file path>, specifies an alternate .ini file to be used in place of the default.


For example:

"c:\program files\dbase\plus\bin\plus.exe" -cC:\iniPath //open dBASE Plus using C:\iniPath\Plus.ini


The command line switch, -v0, specifies that _app.useUACPaths is to be set to 'False'

The command line switch, -v1, specifies that _app.useUACPaths is to be set to 'True'


For example:

//open App.exe with it's _app.useUACPaths = false

"c:\program files\YourApp\App.exe" -v0

//open dbase Plus.exe with it's _app.useUACPaths = true

"c:\program files\dBASE\Plus\Bin\Plus.exe" -v1