The dQuery/Web Server-Side Components and dQuery/Web deliver capabilities very similar to dQuery on the desktop, but deliver them in your browser, securely over the Web. You can get live data on-the-fly, run an existing dataModule, run reports created in dBASE Plus, even run One-Click Web and Web Wizard data-entry applications created in dQuery.

This section discusses the basics of the dQuery/Web Server-Side Components. It includes information on:

  1. Installation and Configuration


Installing the dBASE Plus Runtime

Configuring your Web Server

Configuring the dQuery/Web Server-Side Components

  1. Utilization

Using the dQuery/Web Server-Side Components

Creating a dQuery/Web Query (dataModule)

Running a Data-Entry Application

Running a Report

Setting Administration functions

  1. Customization

Customizing the dQuery/Web Server Side Web Components