Event fired when a client application requests a DDE link with dBASE Plus as the server, and no DDETopic object for the specified topic exists in memory.


<topic expC>

The requested DDE topic.

Property of

_app object


The onInitiate event executes a DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) initiation-handler routine. You write this routine to create DDETopic objects, which handle DDE server events.

A DDE client application initiates a DDE link by specifying the DDE service name and a topic. The _app object’s ddeServiceName property contains the service name for the current instance of dBASE Plus; the default is "DBASE". You may change the ddeServiceName if there is more than one instance of dBASE Plus running, or if you want to identify your dBASE Plus application with a specific DDE service name.

Once the client application locates the desired dBASE Plus server by service name, it attempts to create a link on a specific topic. If a DDETopic object already exists in memory for the named topic, that object is used and the link is completed. If there is no DDETopic object for that topic, the onInitiate event fires. The onInitiate event handler must then create the DDETopic object, using that topic as a parameter to the constructor, and RETURN the resulting object to complete the link.