Brief Editor keyboard mappings: Source editor  

Key or combination



Opens dBASE Plus Help and displays topic (or topics found) for selected word or phrase. If no help is available, the Help index dialog is displayed.


Opens the Find Text dialog.


Opens the Replace Text dialog.


Begins and ends recording of keystrokes.


Inserts the string stored in the most recent keystroke recording.


Repeats the last text search, as specified in Find dialog.

Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Shift+C

Copies selected string to clipboard.

Ctrl+K or Ctrl+Shift+K

Deletes text from cursor position to beginning of line.

Ctrl+O or Ctrl+Shift+O

Opens the Open File dialog.

Ctrl+P or Ctrl+Shift+P

Opens the Print dialog.

Ctrl+T or Ctrl+Shift+T

Scrolls the current line to the top of the window.

Ctrl+U or Ctrl+Shift+U


Ctrl+V or Ctrl+Shift+V

ClipPaste; HideBlock

Ctrl+W or Ctrl+Shift+W


Ctrl+X or Ctrl+Shift+X


Ctrl+Z or Ctrl+Shift+Z

Restores last cut or deleted text. You can also restore earlier cut or deleted text up to the limit of the Undo buffer (32K default can be modified in the Source Editor Properties dialog).


Closes the editor. Allows save or cancel if you have any unsaved work.


Deletes the previous word.


Inserts a blank line below the current line.


Moves the cursor or selection to the beginning of the previous word.


Moves the cursor or selection to the first character of the next word.


Moves the cursor to the end of the file.


Moves the cursor to the top of the file.


Moves the cursor to the top of the editing window.


Moves the cursor to the bottom of the editing window.

Alt+A or Alt+Shift+A

Cancels current selection.

Alt+C or Alt+Shift+C

Toggles column selection mode.

Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Shift+Z or
Alt+U or Alt+Shift+U or
* (star) on numeric keypad

Reverses the last edit. You can also reverse earlier edits up to the limit of the Undo buffer (buffer holds 32K of text, but you can change the buffer size in the Source Editor Properties dialog).

Alt+D or Alt+Shift+D

Deletes the current line.

Ctrl+G or Ctrl+Shift+G
Alt+G or Alt+Shift+G

Opens the GoTo Line dialog.

Alt+I or Alt+Shift+I

Toggles insert mode on or off.

Alt+J+n or Alt+Shift+J+n

Jumps to marked position n as defined with Alt+n and fixes the line containing the mark at the top of the editing window.

Alt+K or Alt+Shift+K

Deletes text from the cursor position to the end of the current line.

Alt+L or Alt+Shift+L

Mark line. Line selection remains in effect until you define another mark.

Alt+M Alt+Shift+M

Mark selection point. You can extend the selection in any direction from this point using navigation keys, or select another mark point using the mouse.

Alt+S Alt+Shift+S

Opens the Find Text dialog.

Alt+X Alt+Shift+X

Closes the current page. Allows saving of unsaved data.


Lets you set up to 10 bookmarks (n = 0 to 9) for each open file. You can then jump to these marks using Alt+J+n. New marks automatically override old ones. Marks are not retained between editing sessions.


Deletes the word or partial word to the right of the cursor.


Closes dBASE Plus. Allows saving of unsaved data.


Deletes selection or character to the right of the cursor.

Page Up

Moves cursor down one page. A page is defined as the number of lines visible in the window.

Page Down

Moves cursor up one page. A page is defined as the number of lines visible in the window.

Left Arrow

Moves cursor left one character.

Right Arrow

Moves cursor right one character.

Up Arrow

Moves cursor up one line.

Down Arrow

Moves cursor down one line.


Moves cursor to the end of the current line.


Moves cursor to the start of the current line.


Deletes character to the left of the cursor.


Inserts a tab (ASCII code 9)

Enter or Shift+Enter

Inserts a carriage return (ASCII code 13)


Pastes a block.


Copies a marked block.

Minus or Shift+Minus

Cuts a marked block.


Moves the cursor left by the number of characters defined as a Tab (default 3 characters; tab length can be changed in Source Editor Properties dialog).


Moves the cursor to the rightmost window position on the current line.


Moves the cursor to the leftmost window position on the current line.


Moves the cursor left by the number of characters defined as a Tab (default 3 characters; tab length can be changed in Source Editor Properties dialog).