How To Determine Screen Resolution

Q: Can anyone tell me how to get around developing forms for use on both 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768 monitors.  When developed on 1024 x 768  they obviously don't fit onto 800 x 600 monitors.  If the only way around this is to design two forms, then how do I detect which resolution the monitor is set to in-order to call to the correct forms.

A: This should tell You what the Pixel width is:

extern  CINT  GetSystemMetrics(CINT)  USER32
myvariable  =  GetSystemMetrics(0)

myvariable will contain the Pixel width.

However.... The correct way would be to design for the lower resolution.  People buy larger monitors and set their screen resolution higher so that they can get more on screen.  They don't want your application taking up the whole screen just because you can.